Speciality Contact Lenses

Specialty Contact Lenses for the “Hard-to-Fit” Patient

Hard to fit contact lenses are for patients that have not been successful with regular contacts. Contact lenses are not an easy solution for every patient suffering with vision problems. Some eye conditions make wearing contacts a difficult task. This doesn’t mean these patients can not wear contact lenses. It just means patients need to discuss options with their Doctor and obtain specialized hard to fit contacts for their specific visual problems.

Gas-Permeable (GP) Contact Lenses​​​​​​​

Gas permeable (GP) contact lenses, also known as rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses, are hard contact lenses made of silicone-containing compounds that allow oxygen to transport through the lens to reach the cornea. GP lenses offer a number of advantages over soft lenses.

Some of the advantages of the GP (compare with soft lenses) are that they provide a better oxygen supply than most soft lenses. Since, they are custom-made to shape on the eye, they hold their shape and move on the eye with each blink. This movement pumps oxygen-containing tears under the lens.

GP lenses last longer. Since they are made of a firm plastic, they do not scratch, rip or tear. They are also easier to keep clean and do not need to be discarded frequently, such as soft lenses. GP contacts have superior optics. Since they are firm, they retain their shape better when you blink, therefore your eyes don’t have to refocus as much. And they are very good for astigmatism or bifocal needs. In addition to their other advantages, new research suggest that GP lenses may slow the progression of myopia (nearsightedness) in some children. GP lenses are also used for orthokeratology, where GP specially designed contacts are worn during sleep to reshape the cornea and improve vision.

Some of the disadvantages of GP lenses (compared to soft lenses) are that they need an adaptation period (short) to fully adapt. Unlike wearing soft lenses that are comfortable right from the start, GP lenses required some time to feel comfortable in the eyes. GP lenses are smaller, then during blinking eyelids will experience initial “lens awareness” but this is temporary, In a few days the lids will gradually adapt so that feeling would go away with each blink. Additionally, because they are smaller than soft lenses, gas permeable lenses can slip off from the eyes during contact sports or if eyes are rub aggressively. GP lenses can have a higher lens replacement costs. Since, GP lenses are custom-made, they come in limited sizes, this makes GP lenses more expensive if you loose them.

For successful GP contact Lens wear, it is recommended to take proper care of your GP contact lenses by following the steps to care after each wearing period. This will increase the comfort, last longer, reduce the risk of eye health problems and keep your lens-wearing experience enjoyable.

Scleral Lenses

What are scleral lenses?

They are large diameter gas permeable (GP) that vault the center of cornea (transparent front part of the eye that covers your iris, pupil and anterior chamber) and rest over the sclera (the white part of the eye.

Are scleral lens comfortable?

Scleral lenses can be comfortable for many people, but it varies from person to person. These lenses are larger than standard contact lenses and vault over the entire corneal surface, resting on the sclera (the white part of the eye). Because they don't touch the cornea, they can be more comfortable for people with certain eye conditions, such as keratoconus or dry eyes.

However, the comfort level can depend on factors like the fit of the lenses, the quality of the lens material, and individual eye sensitivity.

Does it takes time to get used to scleral lenses ?

Yes, it often takes time to get used to scleral lenses. Adapting to these lenses can vary from person to person. Some people adjust quickly, while others may require more time and patience. It can take up to 10 to 15 days to get used to your new lenses l.

Who can wear scleral lenses

Anyone can wear scleral lenses. They are more beneficial to treat patients who have corneal diseases and visual conditions such as:

  1. Keratoconus and corneal ectasias

  2. Corneal scarring, post corneal transplant

  3. After refractive surgery complications from Lasik or Radial Keratotomy

  4. Sjogren’s disease

  5. Dry eye syndrome

  6. Graft vs Host disease

  7. Stevens -Jonson Syndrome

  8. Pellucid marginal degeneration

  9. Giant papillary conjunctivitis

Scleral contact lenses in Long Island City, NY

Scleral lenses are highly customizable contact lenses that allow Dr Dussan to fine tune even the most difficult vision. Their unique features maximize hydration and provide vision that cannot be matched by other types of corrective devices.

What are the benefits of scleral contact lenses ?

Scleral lenses offer several benefits:

1. Improved Comfort: Because they vault over the cornea and rest on the sclera, scleral lenses can be more comfortable for individuals with sensitive or irregular corneas.

2. Visual Correction: Scleral lenses are custom made to your exact specifications. Specialized material and multiple adjustable parameters allow your doctor to tune your lenses for vision that is far superior and typically unachievable with glasses or traditional contacts. They provide clear and stable vision for people with conditions like keratoconus, irregular astigmatism, or corneal scarring, where standard contact lenses or glasses might not offer adequate correction.

3. Dry Eye Management: Thanks to the vault characteristics of the lens the space between the lens and the cornea is filled with saline solution that soothes the eye. This prevents the eye form drying out and the pain associated with it, resulting in long lasting comfort.This makes them a good option for individuals suffering from dry eyes.

4. Longer Wear Time: Scleral lenses can often be worn for longer periods than standard contact lenses because they don't directly touch the cornea, reducing the risk of irritation and discomfort.

5. Stable Fit: They tend to have a more stable fit on the eye, making them suitable for people engaged in sports or other physical activities.

6. Protection: Scleral lenses provide a barrier between the eye and the environment, offering protection from dust, debris, and allergens.

7. Customization: Scleral lenses are highly customizable, ensuring a tailored fit for each individual's unique eye shape and condition.

What is the process?

You will need to schedule an initial visit with Dr Dussan to determine if you are a candidate for scleral lenses. If you are, trial lenses will be applied to determine optimal fit and vision. Your lenses will then be prescribed and ordered. A follow up visit will be required once your lenses arrive so you can receive use and to ensure correct vision and fit. Additional visits may be necessary if the initial lenses need improvement. After final dispense it is very important to adhere to the Doctor’s recommended check-up schedule to ensure proper eye health and lens performance.

How long do scleral lenses last?

With proper care and handling lenses typically last one or two years. Vision progression may also necessitate new lenses.

How much better will I see?

Results will vary between individuals, as each case is unique, but the improvements can be significant. Keratoconus patients often realize life changing improvements such as the ability to read and drive. Some scleral wearers may obtain 20/20 vision, but this is not guaranteed.

Are scleral lenses covered by insurance?

Some medical insurance and vision plans may cover some or all the cost of scleral lenses depending on several factors. Under certain circumstances, when your case is medically necessary or when your vision plan includes medically necessary contact lens coverage.

Hybrid Contact Lenses

What are hybrid contact lenses?

Hybrid contact lenses are a type of contact lens that combines features of both rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses and soft contact lenses.

Hybrid lenses typically have a rigid gas permeable center (similar to RGP lenses) surrounded by a soft lens skirt. This design aims to provide the crisp vision associated with RGP lenses and the comfort of soft lenses.

Who can wear hybrid contact lenses?

Hybrid lenses are often used for individuals with irregular astigmatism or certain corneal conditions where standard soft or RGP lenses may not provide optimal vision.

What are the benefits of hybrid contact lenses ?

  • Clear vision for Irregular Corneas:Hybrid lenses can be effective for individuals with irregular corneas due to conditions like keratoconus. They provide visual correction where standard soft lenses may not be sufficient.

  • High Oxygen Permeability:The RGP material at the center of hybrid lenses allows for high oxygen permeability, promoting good ocular health by allowing oxygen to reach the cornea.

  • Presbyopia Correction:Hybrid lenses are available in multifocal designs, making them suitable for individuals with presbyopia who require correction for both distance and near vision.

What are the disadvantages of hybrid contact lenses?

  • Hybrid lenses can be more expensive compared to traditional soft or rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses. The specialized design and materials contribute to higher costs.

  • There is a slight risk of debris getting trapped between the rigid and soft components of the lens. Proper cleaning and maintenance are crucial to minimize this risk.

  • The availability of hybrid lenses in certain prescription ranges may be limited, especially for extreme prescriptions or specific conditions.

Piggyback Contact Lenses

Piggyback lenses

Piggyback contact lenses" typically involve wearing a soft contact lens on the eye with a rigid gas permeable (RGP or GP) lens on top of it.

The soft contact lens serves as a base and is placed directly on the cornea. Soft lenses are generally more comfortable but may not provide the same level of visual acuity as rigid lenses, especially in certain conditions.

The rigid gas permeable lens is then placed on top of the soft lens. The RGP lens provides the necessary visual correction and helps to shape the front surface of the eye for clear vision.

Who can wear Piggyback?

Piggyback contact lenses are often considered in cases where individuals may experience discomfort with rigid lenses alone or require a combination of materials to address specific visual challenges. It's crucial to consult with an eye care professional to determine the most suitable approach for your particular needs.

What are the benefits of Piggyback contact lenses?

  • Comfort: Soft lenses can enhance comfort as they conform to the shape of the eye, reducing the initial discomfort often associated with RGP lenses.

  • Crisp vision: RGP lenses offer clear and crisp vision, addressing visual issues that soft lenses alone may not fully correct, especially in cases of irregular astigmatism or keratoconus.

  • Adaptation Period: Piggybacking allows wearers to benefit from the comfort of soft lenses while gradually adapting to the visual benefits of RGP lenses.

What are the disadvantages of Piggyback contact lenses:

There is a slight risk of debris getting trapped between the two lenses, which underscores the importance of proper cleaning and maintenance.

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